Thursday, January 31, 2008

Hi guys!!!

How are you? I'm Aierim, and now, I'm gonna talk about this day!

Today, my class and me, we have been to Port Adventura. At 8 o'clock, we have met at the school. We have brought breakfast and lunch.

At 8:30 the bus has arrived at school and we have begun the journey. In the bus, we have slept. At 12:00 we have arrived at Port Adventura.

When we have arrived, we have been to the toilet, because the bus hasn't stopped at all.

The first ride we have been on is the Grand Canyon. It is a water ride. In this ride Pau and Alex have got wet. I have laughed a lot.

Before, we have been on Stampida. Stampida has been made of wood. Eric and Cristina haven't loved this ride, because is very fast. I, Joan, Pau, Enric, Sheimah and Marc we have another ride.
We have been on Silver River Flume, but this ride had closed. We have been very disappointet. Is a ride water too.

Before, we have been on Hurakan Condor. In this ride, you have been up 100m , and before, you have been down in three seconds. Cristina, Enric and Eric, they haven't been on any rides. They have stayed on the ground. Joan, Pau, Sheimah and I, we have been on the Hurakan Condor. When we

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